The Armando Iannucci Shows


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The Armando Iannucci Shows

Each episode is themed around a certain subject. The following episode order is according to the DVD which had its contents significantly reshuffled from the original broadcast timeline.  Episode 1 - Twats  Armando worries about looking like a twat in front of other people. He worries about what other people think about him, judging him by his appearance, what he thinks and his l...

发布于2001年。由阿尔曼多·伊安努奇执导,并且由编剧阿尔曼多·伊安努奇、Kevin Cecil携幕后团队创作。集众多位阿尔曼多·伊安努奇、阿兰·福德、史蒂芬·曼甘、Steve Brody等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2001-08-30公映的电视剧。


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The Armando Iannucci Shows评论

已_注销_ 2021-07-19

**小**那块泰好笑了 E2真的不是怕锤子向制片人兜售idea哦

Ada 2021-01-01

The Thick of It 编剧的平庸之作,不算特别有趣的absurd comedy

dac 2017-06-27

The Armando Iannucci Shows (2001)

hellon’t 2015-05-02

hahahahahahha就要这个劲儿 一本正经的胡说八道 看完一集没感觉得一定要再看一集!!!

寒莓根 2014-08-17

又刷了一遍 这节奏这吐槽深度 实在是太喜欢了=w=!!!

文丑丑 2013-04-09

马上升级为我最喜欢的英剧,超过nathan barley