介绍: Evenabirdneedsanest,isadocumentaryfilmaboutforcedevictionsinCambodia,a…… 更多鸟也需要自己的巢介绍
鸟也需要自己的巢原名:Même un oiseau a besoin de son nid.,又名EVEN A BIRD NEEDS A NEST
Even a bird needs a nest', is a documentary film about forced evictions in Cambodia, a phenomenon that is raging throughout the country. The government grants land concessions to powerful companies who use them for commercial purposes. However, some of these belong to the people. Facing threats, intimidation, and a corrupt justice ******, those who dare to protect their land **...
发布于2012年。由文森特·特兰蒂尼昂、Christine Chansou执导,
豆瓣评分未知,暂时没有评分,请继续等待。类型为剧情、纪录片的电影。创作于法国、柬埔寨地区,具有高棉语(Central Khmer)语言版本。
WEI 2020-04-24
2.5 可以視為柬埔寨之春的前篇,只是素材都是用訪談和音樂(還很通俗的)串起來的,處理的實在糟糕⋯