介绍: KenJacobs的一部3D实验电影。PremieredattheMuseumofModernArtinMay2013,APrimerinS…… 更多A Primer in Sky Socialism介绍
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A Primer in Sky Socialism
Ken Jacobs的一部3D实验电影。 Premiered at the Museum of Modern Art in May 2013, A Primer in Sky Socialism continues avant-garde film pioneer Ken Jacobs’ exploration into 3D filmmaking, renewing his fascination with the histories and technologies of the moving image, a theme that has preoccupied his work for over 50 years. Shot on the Brooklyn Bridge with a view of the fireworks, this l...
豆瓣评分未知,暂时没有评分,请继续等待。创作于美国地区,具有无声音 None语言版本。
A Primer in Sky Socialism资源介绍
TWY 2021-02-23
美丽的,配合Daft Punk食用更美味,其实烟火那里未必需要crop in,因为你本身就已经是烟火了。
qw0aszx 2017-03-18
虚幻模糊的记忆一张张从眼前闪过 6.8分★★★☆