Markus og Diana


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  • 豆瓣评分:  未知
  • 类型:家庭
  • 地区: 挪威
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《Markus og Diana》相关推荐

4. 野兽/ 蕾雅·赛杜、乔治·麦凯
5. 邪恶不存在/ 大美贺均、西川玲
6. 去唱卡拉OK吧!/ 绫野刚、斋藤润
7. 母亲的直觉/ 安妮·海瑟薇、杰西卡·查斯坦
8. 老狐狸/ 白润音、刘冠廷
9. 你想活出怎样的人生/ 山时聪真、菅田将晖
10. 破墓/ 崔岷植、金高银
11. 草木人间/ 吴磊、蒋勤勤
12. 不要太期待世界末日/ 伊林卡·马诺拉切、尼娜·霍斯

《Markus og Diana》剧情内容介绍

《Markus og Diana》在线观看和下载


Markus og Diana

Whimsical comic fantasy from Norway. Markus, 12, bespectacled and of restricted stature, superstitious and given to confabulation, is understandably held in low esteem within his peergroup. Even his best friend calls him Mousy "for his own good", and he has to lie about having a black belt in judo before his so-called "mates" will let him peep on the girls in the showers. To ca...

发布于1996年。由Svein Scharffenberg执导,并且由编剧Klaus Hagerup携幕后团队创作。并于1996公映的电影。


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