The Gift Supreme


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The Gift Supreme

Bradford Vinton, son of a wealthy family, comes to Boggs Court, the lowest of slums, in an attempt to find relief from his dreary social life. There he meets Sylvia Alden, a singer in a local mission, and they fall in love. Bradford Chandler Vinton, the boy's father, is a cold-blooded financier, and when learning of his son's love for a slum girl, plans to break up the relation...

发布于1920年。由Oliver L. Sellers执导,并且由编剧George Allan England、Oliver L. Sellers携幕后团队创作。集众多位Bernard J. Durning、希娜·欧文、Melbourne MacDowell、塔利·马绍尔、尤金妮亚·贝塞雷尔、朗·钱尼、Jack Curtis等著名实力派明星加盟。并于1920-04公映的电影。


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The Gift Supreme评论

巽凌 2016-12-11

残片残片残片,是这也残那也残,我恨那场火 —— 我才不管有没有关…嗯,默女Seena Owen,***到死…《The Rush Hour》我还没看,可惜女主是Marie Prevost,不是你,你只是一个配角,哈哈哈,最近情绪似乎不太稳定…那又有什么关系?

stknight 2015-08-16

Only the first reel of six is know to survive in the hands of a private collector.