介绍: TheRussianWinterisafilmaboutjourneys.ItsafilmaboutGrammynominatedmusic…… 更多The Russian Winter介绍
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The Russian Winter
The Russian Winter is a film about journeys. It's a film about Grammy nominated musician John Forte's journey from one of Brooklyn's most dangerous neighborhoods to the country's most prestigious, elite boarding school to federal prison where his fourteen year sentence for drug transporting was cut in half, incredibly commuted by George W. Bush. The Russian Winter is a film abo...
发布于2012年。由Petter Ringbom执导,集众多位Natasha Bedingfield、Patrick Firth、John Forte等著名实力派明星加盟。
The Russian Winter资源介绍
怪盗巴金斯 2012-04-24
黑人歌手John Forte复出后的俄罗斯之行,与当地接触**中展现出歌手的思想和理念。对俄罗斯的文化和制度也稍有涉及。
** 2012-04-24
这个还不错,John Forte假释之后在俄罗斯的公路演唱会之旅。歌是真的很好听啊,还见到了歌手本人