BBC 叛乱分子和英国兵

Rebels and Redcoats(2003)

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  • 豆瓣评分:  未知
  • 类型:纪录片 / 历史 / 战争
  • 地区: 英国
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BBC 叛乱分子和英国兵原名:Rebels and Redcoats,又名英国是如何失去美国的

Historian Richard Holmes brings us the extraordinary story of America's first civil war. We've been told that the War of Independence was the American people's struggle for liberty against an oppressive colonial power. However, many Americans were loyal to the British Crown throughout the war; men and women often chose sides not because they wanted *******, but because they wan...



BBC 叛乱分子和英国兵资源介绍



BBC 叛乱分子和英国兵评论

郑奉常论隋炀帝 2020-10-20


Ayuan 2011-02-10

all about "perspectives"