For the young let me tell you, the sky has turn brighter. There is glorious rainbow that beckons the sprite of adventure. And there is rich finding at the end of the rainbow. To the young and not so old, I say. Look at the horizon, follow that rainbow, go ride it!
Alex 2024-01-28
陈默 2023-11-13
早夜木夫人 2022-12-25
調色盤壞了 2022-10-06
虽然大部分都知道 但还是想看一遍有什么漏掉了 年轻时的他真的好凶好狠 “要让他们有自己所想捍卫的家” 能想到这个 真是很凶的想法
北野 2021-06-26
四横一竖 2020-05-15
For the young let me tell you, the sky has turn brighter. There is glorious rainbow that beckons the sprite of adventure. And there is rich finding at the end of the rainbow. To the young and not so old, I say. Look at the horizon, follow that rainbow, go ride it!
荀晓 2020-01-12
Y 2019-08-20
Miller 2018-12-15
In the end I got what? Singapore a success. I sacrificed what? ** life. - Lee Kuan Yew 到頭來我得到了什麼? 一個成功的***. 我犧牲了什麼? 我的一生. — 李光耀
吴非非 2018-09-17