介绍: ThevideobeginswithbandmembersgettingintheirjeepandtheGorillazlogo.Murd…… 更多Gorillaz: 19-2000介绍
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Gorillaz: 19-2000
The video begins with band members getting in their jeep and the Gorillaz logo. Murdoch starts the car and begins to drive along a winding highway, while at the same time performing tricks such as driving on the rear or right wheels. Soon the highway turns into a dead loop - just at the chorus that Noodle performs, and then the bridge ends completely, which, however, does not s...
发布于2001年。由杰米·休莱特、Pete Candeland执导,集众多位达蒙·奥尔本、蒂娜·威茅斯、Gorillaz、Miho Hatori等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2001(英国)公映的电影。
Gorillaz: 19-2000资源介绍
Panda的影音 2020-12-28
Gorillaz: 19-2000 (2001)(中英双字):https://***.bilibili****/video/BV12t411u7cc