王妃原名:The Princess,
Decades after her untimely death, Princess Diana continues to evoke mystery, glamour, and the quintessential modern fairy tale gone wrong. As a symbol of both the widening fissures weakening the British monarchy and the destructive machinery of the press, the Princess of Wales navigated an unparalleled rise to fame and the corrosive challenges that came alongside it. Crafted en...
发布于2022年。由Ed Perkins执导,集众多位戴安娜王妃等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2022-01-20(美国)公映的电影。
🤍 2024-12-16
TiNZiNjiiM. 2022-06-11
我情绪零碎KAI 2022-01-23
有关戴安娜的纪录片也好、剧集电影的改编也罢实在是太过丰富,以至于有很多过往素材的重复使用,如果没能挖掘出新的内容,那反复揭开这段往事意义不大。或许唯一的优点就在于它提供了一份从当时的英国普通人出发去看王室这段秘辛的视角,很多历史**下拍摄的镜头来自人山人海中,那份并不专业的抓拍,或者激动欢愉的神态,都在传递出关于The Princess 所承载的重量。
热可可加盐 2022-01-21
3.5, Sundance #1. Edited out of archival footage, The Princess chronicles Diana's life from the onset of her marriage to her death. There's nothing revelatory nor any new formulation that remains unknown to the public. But this narrative fosters a natural, emotional connection explaining our enduring obsession with and the fandom of Diana. As someone's not too familiar with her, I find this documentary informative for its account of events and the public's complicity that results in her misery. Footages from interviews, reportings, and TV shows direct our attention not only to Diana and the royal establishment but also to our insatiable demand for royal soap operas that feeds the paparazzi.