A Rough Sketch for a Proposed Film Dealing with the Powers of Ten and the Relative Size of Things in the Universe


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  • 豆瓣评分:  未知
  • 类型:纪录片 / 短片
  • 地区: 美国
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《A Rough Sketch for a Proposed Film Dealing with the Powers of Ten and the Relative Size of Things in the Universe》相关推荐

4. 你的颜色/ 铃川纱由、高石明里
5. 某种物质/ 黛米·摩尔、玛格丽特·库里
6. 秘密会议/ 拉尔夫·费因斯、亚采克·科曼
7. 隔壁房间/ 蒂尔达·斯文顿、朱丽安·摩尔
8. 泳者之心/ 黛西·雷德利、蒂尔达·格哈姆-哈维
9. 哈尔滨/ 玄彬、朴正民
10. 小心肝儿/ 妮可·基德曼、哈里斯·迪金森
11. 荒野机器人/ 露皮塔·尼永奥、佩德罗·帕斯卡
12. 姥姥的外孙/ 普提蓬·阿萨拉塔纳功、乌萨·萨梅坎姆

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《A Rough Sketch for a Proposed Film Dealing with the Powers of Ten and the Relative Size of Things in the Universe》在线观看和下载


A Rough Sketch for a Proposed Film Dealing with the Powers of Ten and the Relative Size of Things in the Universe



A Rough Sketch for a Proposed Film Dealing with the Powers of Ten and the Relative Size of Things in the Universe资源介绍



A Rough Sketch for a Proposed Film Dealing with the Powers of Ten and the Relative Size of Things in the Universe评论

nbpr 2023-04-27

The Power of Ten原初比较渣壳的版本,不在***而在迈阿密,和70年代版相比专门在画面左侧放置了整个包含计时器、测量器等的面板,形成一种事实上的图形模式(graphic method)和右侧的图画模式(pictorial method)互补,当规模难以被常识接纳还采用了人造“模型”作为补充信息,然而更显冗杂,不甘心的IBM于是在之后要求重做一版更“科学客观”的短片

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