Only interviews, no evidence. This guy is committing war crimes on civilians and you're talking about his friends giving him champagne, cigars, jewelries, and his wife yelling at staff? The misogyny, and the pettiness. Am I reading some tabloid gossips? And concluding that everything he does is just to cover up for his case, that’s pure imagination and wishful thinking. Blaming him for the 7 October attacks? C’mon, that’s like blaming Ukraine for the Russian invasion, no? This is not fact-based journalism. It’s very sensational and almost like conspiracy theory.
Caciyoon 2025-01-03
看得整个人都凉了,妻子在审讯时说到他是一个全世界都敬重的总统时全影院都冷笑了一声。片子本身来说就是很规整的纪录片,前半部分对**的审讯拉得好长,到后半部分又跳得太突然了,但理解,既然是the bibi files必然要说到这部分的。**人群在头顶缓缓拉出一个SOS还是很震撼。
toska 2024-12-31
first time at 🐦🔥 cinema 還是接收到了新知識的 & men shouldn't be eaten up by power
Iris 2024-12-30
seamouse 2024-12-25
寇国威 2024-12-21
Only interviews, no evidence. This guy is committing war crimes on civilians and you're talking about his friends giving him champagne, cigars, jewelries, and his wife yelling at staff? The misogyny, and the pettiness. Am I reading some tabloid gossips? And concluding that everything he does is just to cover up for his case, that’s pure imagination and wishful thinking. Blaming him for the 7 October attacks? C’mon, that’s like blaming Ukraine for the Russian invasion, no? This is not fact-based journalism. It’s very sensational and almost like conspiracy theory.
谋 2024-12-19
#ICA 长评-*纵。非常标准的纪录片影像风格,访谈结合现实影像,影片聚焦于以色列这位任期超过16年的总理Benjamin Netanyahu,影片这种节奏变化肯定是有点儿问题,属开始铺得比较久,但是内容上不痛不痒,后续相对炸裂的内容却篇幅较小。影片以对他和其家人的**指控开始,到了10月7日的哈马斯突袭造成大量人员**转的很硬,紧接着提及以色列总理可能涉嫌秘密输送资金给哈马斯算是转回去了,目的是为了给以色列塑造一个稳定的敌人让自己政权更稳固,并且还可以从内部**巴勒斯坦人…在后半段更是提出一个“大胆”的观点,我觉得这个猜测目前没有特别强有力的直接证据,但逻辑上是非常合理的,仔细想想***是如何获得更强的权力和支持的(Bibi的极右翼势力**也是极其稳固,并且掌控媒体力量)。
西西里的朗读者 2024-12-18