Alessandro D'Alatri

Alessandro D'Alatri

Alessandro D'Alatri简介


第55届威尼斯电影节 获得主竞赛单元 金狮奖 (提名)。获奖影视: 《伊甸园》

第47届洛迦诺国际电影节 获得观众选择奖。获奖影视: 《狂恋吉娜》


Alessandro D'Alatri is an Italian film director, screenwriter and former actor. Born in Rome, as a teenager D'Alatri was active as a stage and film actor and worked with Luchino Visconti, Giorgio Strehler, Vittorio De Sica among others. In 1970s he decided to focus on directing, and after a long apprenticeship as a director of commercials, that led him to be awarded for best AD director at the 1987 Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity, in 1991 he directed a first feature film, Americano rosso, for which he won the David di Donatello for Best New Director. The following No Skin was both a critical and a commercial success, and gave D'Alatri a David di Donatello, a Nastro d'Argento and a Ciak d'oro for best screenplay. His 1998 film The Garden of Eden, an apocryphal history of Jesus, was entered into the main competition at the 59th Venice International Film Festival.

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